Hi there we are the twins boys of Heather and Winfred. We saw our first light between the “famous” 5.6 Earthquake (on Tuesday August 23rd 2011) in the DC area and Hurricane Irene hitting the same area (on Saturday August 27th 2011).
Not planned on the exact date but the Docters wanted to be rather safe then sorry and decided together with mom and dad that really early in the morning of August 26th 2011 would be the best option.
We would have loved to come the “natural way” but unfortunately a C-section was deemed the best and most safe way for us to enter this world after a little over 36 safe weeks in our mommy’s belly.
Daddy will post updates on here about us so that if you’re interested..
At 00:47 the first of us was born:
Adriaan Gijs Deerenberg
5 lbs and 6oz
19 inch
Then at 00:48 the second:
Jeroen Maarten Deerenberg
4 lbs 14 oz
18 ¼ inch
Just for the record: we got the awesome monkey suits from our loving (old) Neighbors the Barberies. Thank you!!!