The Lincoln Memorial commemorates the life of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States.
Some quick facts:
Building Began Lincoln's birthday, February 12, 1915
Date of the Dedication May 30, 1922
Height of the building 99 ft (30.2 m) tall
Height of each column 44 feet (13.4m ) tall
Diameter of base of each column 7 ft. 5 in. (2.3m)
Circumference of base of each column over 23 feet
Height of Lincoln's Statue 19 feet tall, sitting
Number of steps from the Reflecting pool to Lincoln's Statue 87
Type of Stone in the Exterior of the Lincoln Memorial Marble from Colorado
Type of Stone in the Columns Limestone from Indiana
Type of Stone in Lincoln's Statue Marble from Georgia
Location Potomac Park, Washington, D.C.