Yellowstone, Wyoming (mainly):

Yellowstone is in my opinion an amazing place like no other (as far as we have seen). It might not be the prettiest or the biggest (but still 3,472 square miles or 8,987 square km / 2,221,766 acres or 899,121 hectares) but it’s so diverse… from Geysers to mud pools, from mountains to lakes, from thermal terrace’s to the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, from Bears to Wolves, from Elk to Eagle’s, temperature’s from far below freezing (record from 1933 of -66 F / -54 C) to tropical temperatures (Record from 1936 High Temp: 98 F / 37 C), it’s all there and then some.. And don’t forget it actually sits on one of the biggest super volcanoes in the world. The Park floor actually raised a average of three inch for the past three years (2008, 2009, 2010) and with 1620 small earthquakes between January 17, 2010 and February 1, 2010 it’s no wonder its considered very active. There have been studies which show that if the super Caldera would erupt it could mean the start of another Ice Age because the amount of ashes spit into the air which can block out the sun for years to come. It’s kind of weird to think that this super fertile ground provides the means to live for so much animal and plant species but at the same time it has the power to destroy even more in no-time…This all makes Yellowstone without a doubt  one of the most amazing places.